Update 4/30/18: Thank you to all who attended the 2018 meeting! We enjoyed hearing about your research. Next year’s meeting will be held on Saturday, April 20th, 2019 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. Next year’s meeting will be organized by Eleni Gourgou and Scott Leiser.

Update 3/25/18: The official deadline for registration and abtsract submission has now passed. Late registrations and abstract submissions will be accepted until April 2, but you must also notify Hannah Seidel (hseidel at emich.edu) of your late registration or abstract submission.


The 6th Annual Midwest C. elegans Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 7, 2018 at Eastern Michigan University. The meeting is open to anyone interested in using C. elegans or other nematodes in research or teaching. The registration fee is $20. Lunch is included in the registration fee.

Please register and submit an abstract by March 24th. Please note that registration and abstract submission are TWO separate processes.

Late abstracts will be accommodated if possible, but late abstracts might not be included in the program book.

Meeting Organizers

Hannah Seidel, Eastern Michigan University, hseidel at emich.edu

Erika Sorensen, Wabash College, sorensee at wabash.edu


We thank the following sponsors for generously supporting our meeting!




Union Biometrica

Lucas Microscope